friends Betty and Martha set out on a trip to Switzerland, with a dying father
in the backseat, who seems to have only one wish: assisted suicide in a swiss
special institute. It's going to be one last, final ride, but nothing ends, as
you had imagined, certainly not life.
Project Details
Director: Nana Neul
Script: Lucy Fricke & Nana Neul, based on the novel Lucy Fricke
D.o.P.: Bernhard Keller
Costume Design: Ulrike Scharfschwerdt
Make-up: Antje Bockeloh & Katrin Schneider
Art Director: Christiane Krumwiede, Eva Goulakou, Cristiana Possenti
Music: Masha Qrella
Editor: Stefan Stabenow
Cast: Alexandra Maria Lara, Birgit Minichmayr, Josef Bierbichler, Giorgio Colangeli, Andreas Konstantinou
A Heimatfilm production, in coproduction with Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany, Similar (IT) und Heretic (GR).
Funded by
Film- und Medienstiftung NRW,
Deutscher Filmförderfonds, MIBACT,
Lazio Film Commission, EKOME,
Greek Film Center – Minority
Coproduction Fund
Premiere: 29. Filmfest Hamburg, Sektion "Große Freiheit"
62. Thessaloniki International Film Festival
43. Cairo International Film Festival
62. Thessaloniki International Film Festival
43. Cairo International Film Festival
Manfred-Stelzer-Preis 2022